
KCPL Showcase Introduction

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Introduction to the KCPL Showcase Curbside Communicator has helped ease the process for patrons and staff at hundreds of library locations since the service launches in 2020. In our library showcase for Kansas City Public Library, we focus on the usage at the Plaza Branch. The reduction in patron phone calls has allowed staff to … Continue reading “KCPL Showcase Introduction”

E-Media Support From Unique

Assisting patrons with your digital resources when virtual support is the only option can be a challenge for many teams. We have found that there are four steps to successfully providing e-media support for patrons and these principles don’t only apply to remote support, but onsite support as well. Recognize and Organize Your Resources In … Continue reading “E-Media Support From Unique”

Email Service: The Unique Way

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  Our clients have found that most of their patrons prefer email over other standard methods, for example, phone calls, SMS & MMS messages and direct mail. Nationally, 62% of email service users prefer email as their main source of contact with a brand. Library patrons have the same preference. With this being the case, … Continue reading “Email Service: The Unique Way”

Maintaining an Accurate Patron Database

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Maintaining an Accurate Patron Database How long are your library cards good for? Most libraries assume a patron will live at the same address for three years and use this as their default card expiration. Suddenly a patron goes to check out an item and must refresh their card assuming they are in the library. … Continue reading “Maintaining an Accurate Patron Database”

Fines Free, is it Right for Your Library?

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Key Points Worth Considering when Exploring the Switch to Fines Free: Staff Friendly– Fines Free with Unique means fewer transactions that reduce time staff spends with each customer and expedites lines at the circulation desk. Unique’s automated process streamlines the process when accounts are overdue.  This means increased efficiency and more flexibility.  Staff can be … Continue reading “Fines Free, is it Right for Your Library?”

Full Channel Notifications from Unique

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Full Channel Notifications Each patron has Unique preferences for how they want to be notified of hold notifications, overdue books, bills, newsletters, and any other communication from the library. Depending on the type of notice, patrons may have multiple communication preferences. Having flexibility to meet your patron expectations ensures they are going to utilize your … Continue reading “Full Channel Notifications from Unique”

Message BEE Reporting

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Message BEE, Reporting for Duty Did you know Message BEE has reporting that both Marketing/Communications and Circulation Departments will be interested in?  Circulation: When was the last time you heard “I didn’t receive it!” for a notification. With Message BEE, there’s no more guessing. In the Message BEE portal, click “Detailed Search” and search for the patron’s … Continue reading “Message BEE Reporting”

Fines Free and Recovering Material – Not Mutually Exclusive

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“Why am I receiving a bill? I’m not supposed to have fines.” Heard this before? Maybe your library is already a fines free library or you are considering changing your policies. A serious concern by many in your circulation department is the return of materials by patrons without alienating them in the process.   Unique works with the majority of fines free libraries and over 1800+ library systems worldwide to ensure … Continue reading “Fines Free and Recovering Material – Not Mutually Exclusive”

Efficiency through Curbside Communicator

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Duluth Public Library is a three-branch library system that has been hit hard by the COVID outbreak. Looking to find efficiency through curbside service, the library was quick to adopt it to provide their physical assets to the public beginning in April. Due to staffing reductions and process and policies needed, service has been reduced … Continue reading “Efficiency through Curbside Communicator”

Easy To Use Curbside Hold Pickup Software: Curbside Communicator

Like many of us, libraries are looking for ways to serve patrons and accomplish their organizational mission during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. As a first step, many libraries are turning to Curbside Hold Pickup as a way to get materials to patrons while adhering to safe social distancing policies. Curbside Hold Pickup, done … Continue reading “Easy To Use Curbside Hold Pickup Software: Curbside Communicator”