Live web chat software for libraries
Live web chat software for libraries
Engage with your virtual patrons.
UniqueChat efficiently and conveniently delivers chat support to online patrons. UniqueChat provides the ease patrons want and the flexibility libraries need through customization, automation, staffing models, and affordable pricing.
Delivering an excellent patron experience through UniqueChat is just the start. With over 100,000 chat interactions, we understand that each library’s needs are different. Our modern chat design is easy for libraries to customize and easy for patrons to use.
Staffing Options
UniqueChat provides flexible staffing models including self-service, answered by the library, full-service, answered by Unique’s experienced staff and hybrid options. Our chat support frees up your team to focus on what they do best while we take care of answering patrons’ questions.

Why UniqueChat?
Gone are the days when patrons use chat for reference questions. Over 80% of patron chat requests fall into questions answered at a circulation or information desk, not at the reference desk. Libraries need tools designed for today’s patron’s needs.
Other library chat tools are built for answering reference questions. UniqueChat serves patrons better because today’s patrons don’t utilize services like before. Just as in the branch, meet the patron where they have routine questions – anywhere in your virtual branch.
Reduce Calls and Emails
Add Branding
Expand Service Hours
Analyze Reports
Drive Usage
Delight Patrons
“Having the chat feature present on our website and catalog has facilitated interactions to a whole new set of users! Unique has provided us an access point that customers increasingly expect to have and the feedback from customers has been overwhelmingly positive!” –Ashley Trew, Public Services Manager, Sacramento Public Library
We're Ready to Chat!
Unique offers a wide variety of cost effective tools that can help your library by reducing workloads for managers and frontline staff, which in turn increases in-house efficiency.