An important part of adding live chat to your library’s website is choosing a live chat box widget. When designing a widget, you want to make sure that it matches your library’s branding, the look and feel of your website, and is also easy to use.
With Live Chat from Unique, the options for a customized widget are virtually limitless. Inside Unique’s Design Studio, there are options for online widget and the actual chat box experience including pre-chat options if preferred. In addition, everything can be customized for desktop vs. mobile – a must have with the rise in mobile device usage.
Chat Widget – Custom Image
In addition to the normal text or icon options, Unique allows for an image to be uploaded and used to truly leverage your library branding. For example, Sacramento Public Library created a widget using their libraries brand colors and rounded buttons that matched the design of their website:
![Sample of Custom Chat Widget at Sacramento Public Library](
![Sample of Custom Chat Box at Sacramento Public Library](
Custom Widget – Animation
While static images are great and allow many options with design, animation can turn your image into a moving marketing machine that many top brands use in email every day. Why not take this strategy and use it for your library website?
The County of Brant Library in Ontario, Canada did just that and added an animated gif custom design to rotate a message on their chat widget pushing general questions, e-books questions, and account issues.
Sample below:
![example of Chat Widget](
Not surprisingly, this change worked – chat usage increased 32.5% since the change to the animated chat widget increasing patron engagement and satisfaction.
What Not To Do With a Live Chat Box Widget
When designing a chat widget, you also need to consider what else is on the page, both in desktop and mobile environments. The widget should not cover needed information such as a cookie opt-in or important footer detail. In addition, make sure the widget is mobile friendly and with the site remaining accessible for all users, no matter the device.
Lastly, a live chat box widget should not be intrusive or a distraction. Live chat is a great tool to enhance the user experience, but it is not for everyone and should not drive users away from your site. Unique will work closely with your library to make both your widget effective and customer friendly.
Have a question or want to learn more about live chat from Unique? Contact us today!