Staff Spotlight: Kelsy Heffley  

Staff Spotlight: Kelsy Heffley  

About Kelsy 

Kelsy Heffley has been a devoted member of the Unique family for over 14 years. She embodies Unique’s values of dedication and versatility. When she’s not busy with her role at Unique, Kelsy enjoys the company of her husband, two kids, and her family’s pets. Kelsy and her family love their time outdoors, whether it be hiking, kayaking, camping, or cheering on their favorite local soccer teams. Kelsy also has a bit of a green thumb; she grows veggies and flowers in her home garden. And, of course, her love affair with literature is unending, with Sarah Maas’ ACOTAR series serving as her latest literary adventure.  

Contributions to Unique 

Kelsy’s role has evolved through her time at Unique. She started in a call center and worked her way up to join our customer service team as an Account Manager, stopping at the production department along the way. At each step, she’s proved her versatility and commitment. Currently, she oversees the accounts of nearly 250 libraries across the United States and Canada, ensuring seamless operations while fostering lasting relationships. Her responsibilities range from addressing inquiries to providing support and guidance to libraries, all while embodying the core values of Unique. 

Favorite Aspects of Working for Unique 

For Kelsy, the heart of Unique lies not just in its innovative services but in its people. The close-knit environment and strong teamwork have made Kelsy’s time here memorable. Additionally, the chance to travel across the country, visiting various libraries, is something she deeply treasures. 

Memorable Moments at Unique 

Reflecting on her tenure, Kelsy fondly recalls years of spirited competitions and festivities that have punctuated the Unique experience. From pumpkin decorating contests and Derby hat shows to the annual summer picnics and Christmas parties, anytime the Unique team comes together, it’s a memorable occasion.  

Passion for Libraries 

To Kelsy, libraries aren’t just places for knowledge—they’re harbors of learning and empowerment. She’s always found truth in the quote: 

 “With a garden and a library, you have all you need.”  

In the story of Unique, Kelsy Heffley’s journey is a bright thread, woven with passion, dedication, and a deep love for both the organization and the libraries it supports. As she explores new paths and faces new challenges, her unwavering spirit inspires both colleagues and clients.