Need Flexible Notifications?
Current times require flexible notifications. Just think, how many times in the past year did your notices have to change? With ever-changing processes due to COVID, many libraries revised their holds, overdues, and other transactional messages every few weeks. Gone are the days of “set it and forget it” for ILS notices. Flexibility to edit and update these communications is now the norm. Patrons use these notices more than ever to stay informed on the latest procedures to use your resources. More eyeballs mean more opportunities to deliver quality communications your patrons expect.
Many libraries discovered that their ILS is designed to set them and forget them, making the content difficult to access and edit. Some ILSs allow for HTML, but editing in the code often leads to confusion and sometimes mistakes. There is an easier way.
Message BEE by Unique gives you control over the language and design of your communications. When you need to make changes, Message BEE always offers flexible notifications. Click the Modify Editable Fields button, change the text, and save. Your emails are now reflecting your current process. Only fields you identify during the setup of your Message BEE notifications are editable, ensuring no mistakes. Unique manages the HTML for you, ensuring you won’t need to find that staff person that knows some HTML for every edit.
Learn more about how Message BEE can improve your patron experience and provide the flexibility to update communications quickly? Contact us here to learn more.
P.S. – A poll of webinar attendees indicated 80% of libraries do not have marketing teams review transactional messages. Find out more about these emails by watching the webinar HERE or contact us at to find out.