Do you have less than 50,000 patron records? If so, this news is for you: Unique’s Change of Address service has been popular with libraries looking to maintain accurate patron records and reduce the time for both staff and patrons in renewing card. Until now, there has been a minimum charge based on 50,000 patron records pricing out many smaller libraries looking to utilize the same tools as their larger neighbors. We are happy to introduce a flexible option for smaller libraries looking to use the same tools.
What can you expect?
Annually, most libraries can expect 10% of their households to move. For a library of 10,000 patrons, that means you automatically catch the 1,000 patrons that move. Assuming 5 minutes to update each address, utilizing Unique’s Change of Address Service would save over two weeks of staff time simply updating records.
How does Unique’s Change of Address Service work?
Unique will process change of address requests once per quarter. We take your information, compare it against our databases, and return any updated records.
What are your requirements?
One week before processing, the library will upload a standardized file of patron information to Unique’s secure location. Once the data is processed, we communicate back to you the updated results. Update your records in the ILS for the most current information.
How is it priced?
There is a per-record cost plus a per-job cost. If assistance with data processing is needed, Unique can assist for a per-hour rate. Contact your customer service representative or for current pricing.
What else can we do?
Common requests for information include geo-coding, deceased patron screens, municipality information, and demographic data to find out more about how to serve your patrons best.
Unique is happy to be an option for libraries of all sizes and needs. Curious what else we can do to assist your library? Check out our services pages or contact us at to find out more.