3 reasons MessageBee is perfect for consortiums

3 reasons MessageBee is perfect for consortiums

Thousands of libraries have already discovered why MessageBee is the ultimate patron communication tool. MessageBee is a service that converts your ILS-generated notifications to colorful emails, easy-to-read SMS messages, or simple phone notifications. On top of ILS transactional notifications, you can also send newsletters or any other kind of mass communication to your patrons, all from a simple online portal.

Simply put, MessageBee is the most powerful and comprehensive tool on the market for libraries.

But what if your library is part of a consortium? MessageBee is designed with consortium libraries in mind, too. Here are a few features built in specifically for consortiums and their member libraries.

Location specific branding, notices, and templates

While your library may be one of many in a consortium, that doesn’t mean it has to look or brand itself like any other library. MessageBee makes it easy to use specific color schemes, logos, and notices for each member of the consortium. It is all customizable in the drag-and-drop template designer, and everything is the online portal is self-service for quick edits.

Each location can share their own programs and events

Every library serves a different community. That’s why we made it simple for each library to market their own events and programs. Upload your own images and banners, customize all your own copy for things that are going on in your library, or system-wide. It’s up to you. You get the power of a consortium-level product of MessageBee, without being constrained to consortium-level problems.

With SMS, email, and phone notifications available and customizable down to the specific library, each location can customize their own messages for their own patrons.

Read More: 7 Tips to send betters newsletters with MessageBee

Individualized reporting

Reporting is a vital part of the patron communication process. MessageBee for consortiums gives you the same level of feedback that a traditional library system gets. Look at your notifications’ open rate, click rate, delivery rate, and bounce rate from the online portal. Downloading error reports also improves your deliverability, so you can maintain an accurate email list.

We partnered with a library system in Virginia to give them insight into their patron communications. Before we started sending their notifications with MessageBee, they had no idea how many of their messages were getting delivered. Now, they know exactly who is getting their notifications.

Check out how we gave a Virginia library visibility they had never had before.