October is Teentober

October is Teentober

October is Teentober

Unique has the tools for making your library more teen-friendly

Connecting with young patrons can be a challenge, but Unique offers a number of tools that make it easy to interact with young patrons.

Unique changed the game when we introduced MessageBee email for libraries across the country, but since rolling out our popular library-centric email service, we have been adding features. One of our fastest growing products is MessageBee SMS. Like our email notifications, MessageBee SMS offers a great option to patrons and libraries for fast, clear, consistent reminders.

UniqueChat is where patron engagement meets technology. Patrons don’t always want to pick up the phone to get a question answered, and chat suits those evolving preferences of patrons. Whether it’s an account question, open hours, or a ready-reference inquiry, a patron’s question can be answered with ease in any language from a chat widget on the library’s homepage.

Feature highlight: Text them back with MessageBee

SMS notifications have historically been only one-way communication: the library sends an automatic message, and the patron can read it, and the interaction ends there.

Until now.

Unique is proud to be leading library technology and patron engagement, and our latest feature allows patrons to respond directly to automated SMS notifications. By simply texting back, they can be connected to a staff member to help, just like a traditional chat conversation.

Tech Corner: How MessageBee SMS is future-proof

Until 2021, SMS notifications were supported by carriers with varying levels of deliverability. The process was opaque, and it was impossible to know if your messages were being delivered or not. Then Unique decided to adopt the telecom industry’s 10DLC process to ensure that messages are delivered into the future.

Among its many communication capabilities, MessageBee’s text messaging feature stands out remarkably. It offers an unparalleled advantage over traditional communication methods, such as email to SMS gateway.

Ready to learn more?

Let's set-up a time to connect.

Whether it's MessageBee, UniqueChat, or any other service your library needs, we are always ready to chat.

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