Increasing Email Frequency: Finding the Balance for Effective Communication 

Increasing Email Frequency: Finding the Balance for Effective Communication 

The Potential for More Frequent Communication 

Data from our recent webinar (New MessageBee Editor and Features) highlighted an interesting trend: while 42% of libraries send marketing/outreach emails monthly, 19% send emails 2-3 times per week. This indicates a significant opportunity for those libraries currently sending less frequent emails to consider increasing their communication frequency. 

The Importance of Valuable Content 

As you contemplate increasing your email frequency, it’s crucial to ensure that your content remains valuable and engaging. The goal is to keep your audience informed without overwhelming them. Here are some strategies to achieve this balance: 

  1. Segment and Target Your Audience Using ILS Data: 
    • Utilize Existing Data: 59% of our poll respondents already use their Integrated Library System (ILS) data to source recipients. This practice allows you to segment your audience based on their preferences, borrowing history, and interests. 
    • Tailor Your Messages: By targeting specific segments, you can create more relevant and personalized content. This ensures each email resonates with its intended audience, increasing engagement and reducing the risk of unsubscribes. 



2. Create Specialized Newsletters: 

    • Diversify Your Offerings: Half of the libraries surveyed offer multiple newsletters tailored to different audiences and interests. This approach helps cater to the diverse needs of your community. 
    • Cater to Varied Interests: Consider launching specialized newsletters focusing on areas such as children’s programs, adult education, upcoming events, and new acquisitions. This allows you to provide detailed and relevant information without overloading a single email. 

3. Gradually Increase Frequency: 

    • Monitor Engagement: If you’re currently sending monthly emails, try increasing the frequency to bi-weekly or weekly and closely monitor your engagement metrics. Look for changes in open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates to gauge your audience’s response. 
    • Adjust Based on Feedback: Be responsive to your audience’s feedback. If you notice a drop in engagement, consider adjusting the frequency or tweaking the content to better meet their needs. 

Balancing Content Quantity and Quality 

When increasing email frequency, it’s essential to ensure that each communication is concise and valuable. Here are some tips to avoid overwhelming your audience: 

    • Keep Emails Focused: Instead of packing multiple topics into one email, focus on one or two key messages per communication. This helps prevent important information from getting lost. 
    • Use Clear and Engaging Subject Lines: A well-crafted subject line can significantly impact open rates. Make sure it accurately reflects the email’s content and piques the recipient’s interest. 
    • Include Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Each email should have a clear purpose. Whether it’s to register for an event, check out new books, or participate in a survey, make sure your CTAs are straightforward and compelling. 


By thoughtfully increasing your email frequency and employing effective communication strategies, you can enhance your library’s outreach efforts. Leveraging ILS data to target your messages and creating specialized newsletters tailored to varied interests will help ensure your communications are both valuable and engaging. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between providing enough information to keep your audience informed and avoiding information overload. Happy emailing!