Quick & Cost-Effective Patron Record Updates
Every year, 10+% of patrons move. Keeping up with the changing information can be time–consuming for staff and requires patrons to volunteer information they may forget to mention.
You can quickly and cost-effectively verify and update all of your patron records using Unique’s Change of Address service in one batch. You provide the file, and Unique provides the updates. Load them into your ILS, and all records are up to date. Patron’s cards no longer need to be verified, ensuring they can check out quickly and easily.
Auto Card Renewal
Staff Friendly
Revenue Producing Potential
Accurate Data
Still Not Sure? Let's Chat!
Unique offers a wide variety of cost effective tools that can help your library by reducing workloads for managers and frontline staff, which in turn increases in-house efficiency. Check out how Sacramento Public Library used our Change of Address service to discover 5,586 new patron addresses for a 14% hit rate HERE.