Allen County Public Library (IN) launches MessageBee from Unique

Allen County Public Library (IN) launches MessageBee from Unique

The northeast Indiana county-wide library system adds SMS notifications to their existing Unique services

Unique Management Services is proud to announce the launch of MessageBee for Allen County Public Library this week. Patrons will now begin receiving next-generation SMS notifications from the library, upgrading from the previous ILS-generated notifications. Unique and Allen County Public Library have collaborated for over 20 years, with the Indiana system investing in Material Recovery since 2001.

Allen County Public Library serves a population of 385,000 people and is home to the second largest city in the state of Indiana, Fort Wayne. The library system boasts 13 branches and has one of the largest public genealogy departments in the United States.

MessageBee is a powerful and customizable messaging tool that offers numerous features, making it an essential asset for libraries looking to enhance their communication strategies with patron-focused communication.

Key features of MessageBee include:

  • Simple set-and-forget: Once integrated, MessageBee automatically sends patrons updates on their library transactions, like holds, pre-due, and overdue notices.
  • Multiple language support: Send text messages in either Spanish or English, whatever the patron indicates on their ILS profile.
  • Superior Deliverability: Unique is on the cutting edge of patron notifications, and our notifications offer an upgrade on deliverability vs ILS-generated notifications.