New MessageBee- June Webinar

New MessageBee- June Webinar

Webinar | New MessageBee Editor and Features

Take a look back at our June webinar

Want to learn more? Get in touch!

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Special Offer For Webinar

30 days of FREE Marketing Emails with MessageBee

MessageBee offer

We are pleased to offer a 30-day free trial of MessageBee Marketing to our clients. Ready to start engaging patrons with newsletters and email blasts? Try out our marketing emails for a month and see what your patrons think!


New: Manage Admin Users

efficiency through curbside

Adding new staff to your MessageBee account is both a secure and simple task now with the new MessageBee editor!

Clients asked, and we responded. Libraries can now add and manage users at branch or system level. MessageBee works great with consortia, and this means that one branch doesn’t have to worry about other libraries within the system sending notifications to the wrong patrons.

Patron communication reimagined.

Create the email Graphic

We have been hard at work rolling out a new design interface for our powerful MessageBee tool, along with some powerful new features like user admin management, a new email editor, and intuitive reporting tools.

New Editor: More than just a facelift

Drag-and-drop elements
New Features

The first version of our editor brought multiple channels of patron communication to a single tool. MessageBee changed the way that libraries can communicate with patrons, and we have been taking notes and feedback.

The latest update has made it easier to use, more powerful, and more staff friendly. 

New features include:

New email editor with additional functions and simplified controls

Preview and send messages even easier than before

Edit formatting and send messages easier and quicker

Be The First to Experience The New Features

Get in touch with us

Webinar Graphic
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