UniqueChat Software Demo

UniqueChat Software Demo

Your website is now your busiest branch.

Is your library prepared?

UniqueChat Software Demo

Unique can help with both the tools you need and the ability to actually help your staff to meet service needs. UniqueChat is library specific chat software for your staff to use internally or you can also choose a hosted option with Unique’s expert team handling the interactions. Click the widget below and see how UniqueChat can help take your website’s patron experience to the next level.

Maintaining an Accurate Patron Database

UniqueChat Features

Advanced Interaction Routing

Get the right question to the right team for the right answer. For example, a library can have have an e-media team to provide answers to those tricky device questions and a separate team that can help with account related interactions.

Built-in Translation Services

Provide unparalleled support to your most vulnerable and under-served communities by offering chat services on their native language. UniqueChat provides a better experience to patrons by offering support tailored to their specific needs.

Optimized for Mobile

Communicate with patrons via their preferred device for a broader reach. UniqueChat is compatible with SMS messaging so patrons can engage with your library both through your website and their mobile phone.

Full-Service, Hybrid Service, or Self-Service?

Which UniqueChat Option Is Right For You?

Unique’s Patron Services team answers chats on behalf of dozens of libraries across North America.  From e-media assistance, to placing or altering hold requests, or answering specific library policy questions, our highly trained team can supplement your internal service organization.  Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, our team has stepped up to handle hundreds of thousands of library patron interactions, ensuring that our library’s constituents have access to services.

Trusted by Top Libraries


Not sure which model to use? Try a hybrid approach with library staff answering when you can being supported by the UniqueChat team during closed hours.

Why UniqueChat?


Attractive pervasive widget, functional on both desktop and mobile devices


Intuitive online staff hub and analytics dashboard, easy-to-add website widget


Optional two-way SMS add-on and backup staffing available when needed